Sunday 14 February 2016



In today’s era the term partition is very commonly seen in between family members which results to a division of assets in between them, some partition took when there a dispute arises among members of the family, some took because the thinking of every family members does not match for a same cause and many more causes are there which results to a partition in a family Business. In this article what is partition, its kinds, who have rights to claim a partition and under what conditions there can be a division of a family business.
The term partition used in the law of real property to describe an act by a court order or to divide a concurrent estate into separate positions representing the proportionate interest of other members of the family. A practical division of property would involve not only the fractional share of a family members is entitled to, but it also decides the exact boundaries of the property of Joint Family. As we all know that the partition is the severance of the status of the Joint Hindu Family which is known as the Hindu Undivided family mentioned under law. In the joint Hindu family the head of the family is known as KARTA he is the one, who manages day to day expenses of the family and looks after the family business. The Karta contains a limited powers but he has also a power to compromise all disputes related to family business.
In the Hindu law it is said that once the status of Hindu family is put to an end then there is notional division of properties among the members & the joint ownership of property will come to an end. For an effective partition it is not necessary to divide the properties in METES & BOUNDS. Here the determination of metes & bounds can be done through mutual agreement or the court will appoint a commissioner to do the same. There are 2 types of partition which are described under Hindu Law they are as follows:-
1.   Total Partition
2.   Partial Partition
                               In the total partition the whole property of a Hindu Undivided Family undergoes in a total division of property & the same will be divided in between all the coparceners and family cease to exist as a Hindu Undivided Family, where as the partial partition can also be made when some of the members go out on partition & other members continue as being a member of the family & in this case the remaining property will belong to the undivided family.
Now it is very necessary to know that who have a right to claim a Partition in a family business, so in this regards I am spreading a light on it, in any family where a disputes arises and which results to a partition in a Family Business there any coparcener has a right to claim a partition in a Family business and it is not mandatory also that other coparceners should agree to the partition which was sought by one of the coparceners. Even minors can also claim for a partition in the family business & the claim can be made through their guardian until the minor reaches in his age of majority.
                                The partition in a family business on the death of the coparcener but it cannot bring an automatic partition and on such death the other living members would continue to remain as joint.  But in the Hindu Succession Act there is a provision which says that there is a deemed partition for a limited purpose of determining the share of the deceased coparcener for the purpose of succession mentioned in the act of 1956, HINDU SUCCESSION ACT. The another clause which also arise here is the ownership of the property received by a member on a total partition of Hindu undivided family , here the property which will be received by the male member of the family on the total property will retain its character as a joint family property and if he is single then it will be Hindu undivided family property after the marriage and a Sole member has a right to constitute a hindu undivided family on marriage . Any member can demand for the partition in the family business by entering into the DEED OF PARTITION, here parties are considered purely as a contractual in nature but the parties have to file a suit in a Civil Court for a decree of partition, the decree is registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurance mentioned under the  INDIAN REGISTRATION ACT and after the successful registration it can obtains the loans in future as the financial institutions  would accompany you more comfortably & accepting to the property as a security if there a court decree lies which opposed to the mere contract in between the family. One thing to be kept in mind always is validity of partition between the widow mother and sole surviving coparcener son here a mother or a wife has no right to claim for a partition but if the partition is affected then a mother or a wife will get an equal share as of the son, there is also a clause where a property is capable of physical division when the partition was made by the physical division only, if the property of Hindu undivided family does not admit the physical division. For instance it was never expected that the utility of the property is lost by compelling the physical partition and in such case the property will be partitioned to its extent possible manner. In general the partition can be made orally also and there is no provision in law that the said partition must be evidenced by a written agreement only, although the partition of the immovable property of the Hindu undivided family can be made through an oral agreement as well.
                               A business cannot be partitioned by metes and bounds in case of partition for conversion of family business into partnership , it may however noted that a partition can be effected orally and the claim will not be upheld and the income generated from the business will be held assessable in the hands of Hindu undivided family itself. The validity of penalty on Hindu undivided family after a total partition gives the mandate to an assessing officer to levy penalty on Hindu undivided family provided under Section-171(8) of Income tax act. The procedure by which the partition gets its recognition are as follows:-
1.   The Hindu undivided family which has been here to assessed must make a claim to the Assessing officer that the Hindu undivided family property are subjected to the total partition.
2.   Then Assessing Officer will make an inquiry to the claim.
3.   Then the Assessing officer will issue a notice to all the members of Hindu Undivided Family.
4.   If he is satisfied that the claim is correct then he will record a finding that there was a Total Partition of the Hindu undivided family and he will also mention the date when it took place.

                                                   Let me now share my views on the Deed of Partition and what role it Play during the Partition; Deed of partition is a deed by which lands held in common, coparcener, or joint tenancy are separated into different portions and distributed among several members who takes them in severalty, and if the deed of partition is executed then there will not be any difficulty with respect to the rights of the parties under deed and with the respect to the principles of law applied in the case. The original Deed of partition will always remain in the custody of 1st party and the duplicate copy of deed will be in the custody of other party.


In India the existence of a family business does not operated by contract but it is governed by the principles of Hindu law. As family business do not have any written partnership agreement or they doesn’t have any certificate of incorporation of company. Even the family Business also have a great impact on the global economy too. In general its really easy to carry out a business in association with the family members but when the breakage occurs in the bond of family members then a partition among them takes place, as I have mentioned above any coparcener can claim for a partition in the family business and the partition can be carried out by the Deed of partition. The assessing officer plays a vital role when a total partition is claimed by the Hindu undivided family, he will make an inquiry on the given claim and after issuing a notice to all the members of Hindu undivided family and if he is satisfied with the claim which seems to be correct then he will record the finding that there was a total partition claimed by the Hindu undivided family and he will record the date also when it took place.
                                               UTKARSH KUMAR


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